Communication and Globalization in Purposive Communication

Communication and Globalization in Purposive Communication

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on Pexels

In recent years we have seen several changes in the world, globalization has affected every aspect of our daily lives and communication has been greatly affected by globalization, there are new ways of communication due to the development of technology, we can communicate across oceans using devices/mobile phones that are smaller than our palms, we can talk with anybody on the other side of the world using internet technologies and so on.

What is purposive communication?

Purposive communication is a type of communication that is aimed at achieving a specific goal or purpose. It involves a sender, receiver, and message in order to convey information from one party to another. Communication and globalization are integral parts of purposive communication as it allows people from different places to come together and exchange ideas and messages. This helps to bridge cultural gaps and promote understanding between different groups of people. Ultimately, purposive communication enables us to share our knowledge and experiences with others on a global scale.

The effects of globalization on purposive communication

Globalization is the process of connecting people across the globe through communication technologies, such as the internet, which makes it easier for people to share ideas and collaborate on projects. The effects of globalization on purposive communication can be seen in the increased use of international communication networks, and the development of global communities. This increased connection has allowed for the rapid spread of ideas and information, resulting in more efficient collaboration and productivity.

The challenges of purposive communication in a globalized world

In a globalized world communication and globalization in purposive communication is essential. Purposive communication is the intentional exchange of information between two or more parties with the desired outcome in mind. Communication and globalization have an immense impact on purposive communication. Globalization has led to the expansion of international markets, making it easier for businesses to conduct transactions and share information across borders. On the other hand, improved technology has enabled faster, more efficient communication between individuals and organizations. These changes in technology and globalization have resulted in increased opportunities to engage in purposive communication, but also create new challenges for those wishing to do so.

The future of purposive communication

It is clear that communication and globalization are two key aspects of modern life, and they both have implications for how we interact with each other. Purposive communication is a way of using these forces to bring people together from around the world. Through this type of communication, we can bridge the gap between cultures and create a better understanding of one another. In the future, this type of communication will become even more important as we continue to strive for a better global society.


Globalization in purposive communication is a way of connecting people from all over the world with a purposeful, meaningful message. Through technology, we have the ability to communicate across cultures, languages, and countries, allowing us to better understand one another. Globalization helps to bridge the gap between different cultures and promote understanding and acceptance, allowing us to share our own stories and experiences with others. By utilizing purposive communication, we can foster better relationships and more peaceful solutions to conflicts.

Read Also: Has Globalization Facilitated or Obstructed Greater Labor Migration.

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