Example of Financial Globalization in the Philippines

Example of Financial Globalization in the Philippines

example of financial globalization in the philippines
Photo by Pixaby

One example of financial globalization in the Philippines is the rapid growth of remittance from overseas Filipino workers, which has helped reduce the financial burden of their families back home and has contributed significantly to economic development in the Philippines. As of 2017, about $2 billion in money was sent from overseas Filipino workers to their families and relatives back home every month, resulting in an inflow of about $24 billion each year. This, in turn, helped fuel consumer spending and boost the economy as a whole.

The Philippines as an Emerging Market

The Philippines is an emerging market that is increasingly embracing financial globalization. This is evidenced by the country's numerous initiatives to increase the integration of its financial markets with the rest of the world. For example, the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines approved a rule allowing foreign investors to invest directly in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). This allows foreign investors to access stocks listed on the PSE, and in turn, provides local businesses with access to additional sources of capital.

Additionally, the Philippines is participating in various international initiatives, such as the Asia Region Funds Passport (ARFP), a multilateral initiative that facilitates cross-border fund distribution throughout the region. By being part of this initiative, the Philippines is able to increase its financial linkages with other countries and access foreign capital from across the region.

Economic Growth and Financial Globalization

The Philippines is an example of financial globalization, as the country has seen a significant increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) over the past two decades. This FDI has been a key driver of economic growth, with the country experiencing rapid economic expansion in recent years. This growth is due to a combination of improved macroeconomic management and financial market liberalization, as well as the inflow of foreign capital from around the world. As a result, the Philippines is now a more attractive destination for international capital, which has brought with it job creation, improved infrastructure, and greater access to finance for businesses.

The Role of Multinational Corporations

Multinational corporations are major drivers of financial globalization in the Philippines. These global firms bring in investments, trade, and access to foreign capital markets that can stimulate economic growth. For example, the presence of financial multinationals has enabled Philippine firms to make use of international banking services and the latest technological innovations. Furthermore, these companies have provided employment opportunities and improved the country’s fiscal infrastructure. As a result, the example of financial globalization in the Philippines has allowed for increased economic growth and higher standards of living for many Filipino citizens.

The Impact of Financial Globalization

Financial globalization has had a profound impact on the Philippines, with the country becoming increasingly integrated into the global economy. Examples of this include a rapid increase in foreign investment and the growth of global financial markets in the country. This has provided greater access to capital and enabled businesses to leverage their resources more efficiently. Moreover, it has opened up new opportunities for Filipino citizens to participate in the global economy, allowing them to tap into international financial markets and benefit from increased economic opportunities. Ultimately, financial globalization has been beneficial for the country and its people, contributing to the nation’s overall growth and development.


In conclusion, an example of financial globalization in the Philippines has enabled the country to open up its economy to the global marketplace. It has allowed Philippine businesses to expand their reach, attract foreign investment, and access new markets. Through this process, the Philippine economy has become increasingly integrated with the global economy, providing significant opportunities for growth. This globalization has helped the Philippines become a more prosperous nation, and will continue to be beneficial for years to come.

Read Also: Has Globalization Facilitated or Obstructed Greater Labor Migration.

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