7 Tips on How to Solve Family Relationship Problems

7 Tips on How to Solve Family Relationship Problems

7 Tips on How to Solve FamilyRelationship Problems

7 Tips on How to Solve Family Relationship Problems
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Some of the worst problems that people can have are relationship problems with their family members and relatives. If you are having trouble with your family, you aren’t alone; however, you can get help from these seven tips on how to solve family relationship problems.

1. Do something about it

Don’t be afraid of conflict, but don’t feel it either. Understanding what you feel and why you feel it will help you have conversations about your family relationship problems that are more honest, which allows for resolution and growth. Ask yourself what part you play in causing relationship issues. Conflict can cause stress, which then causes all sorts of undesirable symptoms like anger, depression, and more, you shouldn’t have to suffer any of those things just because your family is having a difficult time connecting with one another.

2. Figure out what you need in a conversation

Before you can fix something, you have to identify what's broken. Spend some time thinking about how your family communicates and take a critical look at whether it's working for you. In many cases, family relationship problems are simply a symptom of poor communication. If there are problems between family members, try talking with them one-on-one or as a group and figure out what each person needs in order to feel like they're being heard. Communicating effectively is an important first step toward solving almost any relationship problem.

3. Know why you don’t talk about things

Even if you love someone, there’s a chance that you might not know why you don’t talk about certain things. This can lead to fights and frustration. If that’s something you or your partner struggles with, look at your past relationship experiences and try to figure out what it is that makes communication so hard. Often there are underlying issues behind why people avoid talking about their feelings. Once you find out what it is, sitting down and talking through things can help get rid of relationship problems once and for all. For example, maybe one person feels like they never get listened to in conversations, and avoiding that conversation has become easier than dealing with it.

4. When emotions get in the way, try these tips to help everyone communicate

The goal of communication is to create a healthy relationship with another person or group. - Listening is just as important as talking, if not more so. If you're about to speak negatively about someone else, ask yourself if what you are about to say would hurt that person's feelings if they were listening. If yes, rethink your statement. Instead, talk only about yourself and your own problems. Communicate clearly by being direct and saying things in a respectful way that lets people know you are interested in them and what they have to say.

5. Remember you are important too!

When we’re younger, most of us feel like our parents are all-powerful. As we grow up, however, it becomes clear that our parents are actually just people like us, with their own fears and insecurities. If you want your parents to value you as a family member and a person, first and foremost it is important for you to realize how much they value you. It may seem impossible now but keep in mind that one day your children will think back fondly on times spent with their families during difficult times. Make sure those memories are good ones. Take time each day to talk with them about your relationship. Talking problems out is often a great way for both parties involved to open up about what’s truly bothering them. Be patient!

6. Be aware of your triggers

Sometimes, we can be blindsided by things that make us feel a certain way. If you tend to have explosive arguments or angry interactions with your family members, try keeping a journal of when these things happen and how you're feeling leading up to it. Once you become aware of what's causing these reactions, you'll better be able to avoid them in future situations. The more insight you have into your behavior and those around you, the better equipped you'll be at resolving conflict in healthy ways.

7. Put it into action with these tips

When we're young, our families provide us with a sense of security and protection. But as time goes by, we also learn they can bring up a lot of unresolved issues that can have an effect on our present-day relationships. Whether it's family members living in different cities or parents remarrying after a divorce, you might find yourself struggling to cope with your family dynamic. Having been through several familial changes myself, I understand how difficult these situations can be.


To solve relationship problems between family members, you’ll want to take a step back and figure out what each person wants. You can do that by asking questions like What are your goals? What are your concerns? How will you know when a decision is made? By answering these questions, everyone involved will be able to reach a consensus; it doesn't mean everyone has to agree with each other's ideas or decisions, but there should be an understanding of where each person stands. The next thing you'll want to do is brainstorm possible solutions and rank them based on how important they are. That's why I've come up with seven ways you can deal effectively with family relationships that may be giving you grief.

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