5 Pillars of Criminal Justice System in the Philippines

5 Pillars of Criminal Justice System in the Philippines

5 pillars of criminal justice system in the Philippines

Criminal justice is an integral part of any society, as it helps ensure the safety and well-being of citizens. The criminal justice system in the Philippines has five important pillars that help it function properly and fulfill its function of upholding justice. These 5 pillars are as follows: law enforcement, prosecution, adjudication, corrections and rehabilitation, and victim and witness protection (Articles 5-11). This article provides an overview of each pillar in detail.

The first pillar: Preventive

The first pillar of the criminal justice system in the Philippines is preventive. This means that steps are taken to try to prevent criminal activity before it happens. This includes things like educating people about potential risks and consequences, providing support and resources to communities and individuals, and creating a safe environment that discourages crime. Preventive measures can be implemented at all levels of society, from local governments to national organizations. This helps ensure that everyone is aware of the dangers of criminal behavior and works together to create a safer environment. Additionally, law enforcement plays an important role in preventing crime by enforcing laws and apprehending criminals who have committed crimes.

Second Pillar: Repressive

The second pillar of the criminal justice system in the Philippines is repressive. This pillar focuses on punishing those who commit a crime and trying to deter future crimes from happening. The police, courts, and prisons are all part of this system, as they enforce laws and sentences that are meant to make sure criminals are brought to justice. The police are responsible for arresting suspects, investigating crimes, and collecting evidence. The courts handle trials and sentencing, while prisons and jails house those who have been convicted of a crime. Repressive measures may include fines, imprisonment, community service, rehabilitation, and in some cases even the death penalty. It is important for the public to understand that these measures are not meant to be revenge, but rather to ensure justice is served and that the safety of society is upheld.

Third pillar: Restorative

The third pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system is restorative. This aims to make amends for past wrongs and help repair broken relationships. The judge can order a person to apologize or they can offer restitution, such as paying for damages. They could also be ordered to perform community service or an act that helps restore what was taken away from society. It also includes mediation between parties when a crime has been committed and restitution for damages caused by a crime. Restorative justice is a key component of the Philippine criminal justice system, as it helps to strengthen relationships, reduce recidivism rates, and improve overall public safety.

Fourth Pillar: Retributive

The fourth pillar of criminal justice system in the Philippines is retributive. This means that people should be punished for their wrongful acts. It seeks to restore societal balance by punishing offenders who have broken laws or moral codes. In retributive justice, offenders are seen as paying a debt to society and being made an example. The main goal of this type of justice is to deter people from committing crimes through fear and threat of punishment. In addition, it is also believed that retributive justice allows victims to feel avenged and provides them with closure, while also giving offenders a chance at redemption.

Fifth Pillar: Restitutive

The fifth pillar, Restitutive Justice, is a form of punishment that is used to give offenders an opportunity to make amends for their wrongdoing by providing restitution to those they have harmed. The goal is for offenders to take responsibility for their actions and be rehabilitated through an act of service or other compensatory action. The offender will determine how he or she will atone for his or her crime and the victim has input on what type of restitution would be appropriate. This process can be completed before sentencing and does not require any type of payment from the offender. As long as there are no objections from victims or law enforcement, restorative justice resolutions are legally binding and enforceable. Restitutive justice is an important part of creating a safer and more equitable society, which is why it is an important pillar of criminal justice system in the Philippines


The five pillars of criminal justice system in the Philippines provide an important framework for ensuring that criminal offenders are treated fairly and equitably. These pillars provide a much-needed balance between the rights of the accused and the safety of the public. The Philippine justice system is one of the most comprehensive in the world and it provides for the prompt delivery of justice, fair and impartial trials, access to legal aid, and timely adjudication. The 5 pillars of criminal justice system in the Philippines ensure that the rights of all citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic status, are protected and respected. It is essential that these pillars remain strong in order to ensure that justice is served in a just and equitable manner.

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