8 Reasons Why I Hate My Wife

8 Reasons Why I Hate My Wife

8 Reasons Why I Hate My Wife
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

Many ups and downs arise in the relationship of Husband and wife, but it does not mean that they ended their beautiful relationship journey. Misunderstandings and conflicts between husband and wife relationships are a part of life.

It’s a reality that when you get married you love your wife and ignore her mistakes but as well as you move forward in your married life the responsibilities are increased like, proper look after of your children, dealing with economic problems, etc. So you do not ignore your wife for the little mistakes and your love and attraction towards your wife decrease with the passage of time.

8 Reasons Why You Hate Your Wife

8 Reasons Why I Hate My Wife
Photo by Alex Green on Pexels

When a man says I hate my wife I hate my life, he needs help and there are many reasons behind this hate, so this blog will bring the 8 reasons why I hate my wife what do I do and how a woman refrains from some habits which do not like by her husband. You think way do I hate my wife, this blog will also bring tips on how to fix your marriage and improve your family relationships.

1. She doesn’t give attention to your family

The first reason why a man hates his wife is that when after getting married the husband realizes that his wife is not taking interest in home matters. She also does not give attention to her family and she still thinks about her parents or want to visit her parent house and stay there long on the other side, she did not take care of her children. In this situation, the husband starts hating his wife.

Solution:- Being head of the family tell your wife that after getting married a wife need to give attention to her husband's family and children. She needs to take interest in family matters and give her opinion. After getting married she understands that her husband's house is her real house.

2. She ignores you

8 Reasons Why I Hate My Wife
Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels

Sometimes a husband feels that his wife is ignoring him and also does not respect his emotions. Resultantly hatred feelings have emerged in the husband's heart. There could be two reasons the number one is you didn’t fulfill her demands like, taking her shopping or not carrying children. The other one is that your wife is very busy with homework and looking after the children, so you feel that she ignores you.

Solution:- You need to take care of your wife and the wife also needs to understand to give time to her husband when he comes back from the office to discuss how the day was spent in the office or ask for coffee.

3. She compares you with others

Most wives compare their husbands with other people. For example, she says to her husband look how her friend's husband getting success in business and you are still there or look to the neighbor's husband and how he takes care of her wife and you are not carrying me. In this situation, the husband feels uncomfortable with her wife, and hatred feelings emerge in his mind.

Solution: - Sometimes it is old habits of wives and husbands that need to tell her that five fingers are not equal. She also needs not to compare her husband with others to give respect to her husband and refrain from this habit of maintaining good family relationships.

4. She insults you in front of others

Husband and wife relationships stand on respect. But if your wife insults you in front of others you hate your wife and you feel yourself a sham.

Solution: - if there is an issue between husband and wife they need to solve it on their own without interference from others. The wife must discuss problems in a room and not do insult her husband in front of others.

5. She does not accept her mistake

8 Reasons Why I Hate My Wife
Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels

Mistakes happen in everyone's life and this is the clear principle of life that if someone does a mistake he or she needs to accept her mistake and apologize for that. But most of the wife feels himself angel and does not accept their mistake so, the husband feels helpless and stat hating her wife.

Solution: - If the wife does not accept her mistake, the husband needs to start a peaceful protest in-home and distance himself from her wife. The husband must realize to her wife that she is wrong and the wife should accept her mistake.

6. Her family interferes in your personal matters

A husband and wife relationship is a relationship where interference destroys it, hence it is from the husband's family or wife's family. If the interference in personal family matters is started by form wife's family and the point is that the wife also supports this interference, in this case, the husband dislikes her wife and starts hating her.

Solution: - Interfering in personal matters damages the marriage relationship and the husband said I think I hate my wife, he needs to inform the wife and her family not to interfere in personal matters.

7. She does not appreciate you

When you appreciate someone the other person feels proud and happy and does his work more vigilantly. If the wife does not appreciate his husband the husband doesn’t take interest in home matters. The husband hates her wife for not appreciating him.

Solution: - you need to appreciate your wife for little things and by doing this your wife's habits will be changed and she will also appreciate you.

8. She does not obey

In 2020 a survey was conducted by the Pew Research Centre of India, 65 percent of the participant agreed that wives should obey their husbands, and only 4 percent disagreed with them. According to the survey results, wives have a responsibility to obey the order of their husbands but most of the husbands have observed towards their wives she does not take an interest in what their husband says and does not obey the instructions of the husband regarding homework and children. The husband feels alone and hates her wife.

Solution: - The success of a marriage is through mutual understanding and mutual respect. The husband fulfills all the necessities of the family so the wife needs to obey the orders of the husband for a successful relationship and for the better future of her children.

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