8 Tips How to Deal With Interfering Parents

8 Tips How to Deal With Interfering Parents

How to Deal With Interfering Parents
Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels

The unnecessary parental interference in your relationship and married life destroy your personal life. The article will bring some tips that how to deal with parents interfering with your relationship and to stop this interference and make your family relationships strong.

For example, “parents asked her daughter not to go back to your husband, you stay with them. You can go when your husband comes and apologizes to you. If she has an argument with her husband and a lot of heart words are exchanged between husband and wife in anger. But she insists that my husband should apologize to me if I go back to him. My husband will never do it.” This is just one example among the many cases of parents interfering and intruding into the personal affairs of their children. So in this situation what you should do and ask your mother not to interfere in your personal matter and make it a big issue.

How to Deal With Interfering Parents

Why do parents interfere intrude and encroach into the personal life of their children? Why do parents not understand that their children are mature enough to deal with relationship problems? So read for how to deal with interfering parents:-

1. Some Parents are selfish

Some parents are very selfish and self-centered, they literally hold on to their children and do not let them live their own lives. It is indeed sad that some couples are carried away by the wrong advice given by their parents and separated from their spouses. The life of the couples destroyed when they listen to a third person to decide the future of the relationship. But you should make the decision for yourself.

2. Parents do not know the inside story

Parents do everything wrong by being prejudiced and one-sided when giving advice. They always give you wrong advice as they do not know the inside story of what happened between you and your spouse. Your parents exaggerate the minor mistakes of your spouse and make it seem that you are living in a marriage that is abusive to you. Parents do not understand that they are exceeding the limits when they interview about the married life of the children. Why do your grandparents interfere in your married life? There are many a time you ask your parents to mediate between you and your spouse and you make the mistake of obeying the advice of your parents well knowing that it could destroy your marriage.

3. Final decision should always be yours

You should ask your parents for advice only when your relationship issues are very intense and you're unable to solve them but the final decision regarding the advice of your parents should always be yours. You understand your relationship issues well than your parents do not know. You love your parents, you are what you are today because of them. So naturally, you should respect your parents and consult them in all important decisions of your life but your relationship with your spouse and its related issues are all your very personal problems. So for resolving the relationship issues, you should make the final decision.

4. Your spouse never likes parent’s interference

If you allow your parents to dictate terms and conditions in your relationship, it creates innumerable misunderstandings with your spouse. Your spouse never likes your parents interfering in your relationship. In fact, your spouse resents it intensely and forcefully. Your parents make the mistake of analyzing your relationship problems from your angle only, they feel everything you do is right and everything your spouse does is wrong. So they invariably point accusing figures at your spouse. So, having interfering parents you cannot spend a happy family life and you should ask your parents not to interfere in your personal matters.

5. Parents should take a step back after they get married

Why do your parents come at these parental blunders in children's relationships after they get married? Because your parents feel emotionally insecure that they might lose your love. Your parents fail to understand that they should take a step back from your life after your marriage. They never realize that their spouse can take care of them and share their commitments.

6. It is better to resolve issues between yourself

You too should understand that when you have any misunderstanding with your spouse. It is always better when it is resolved between yourself no third party can resolve your differences, not even your parents, when you to your relationship issues with your spouse. You take your relationship problems to your parents they needlessly bargain to argue with their spouse on your behalf. It is needless to say that your spouse gets wild with anger at this unwarranted intrusion of your parents and your parents. You're always right and your spouse is always wrong, so they always blame your spouse as a culprit for missing the life of their dear son or daughter. So after getting married it is better for you to resolve the relationship's problems between yourself and not to involve a third party even your parents.

7. If your spouse is from a lower status

If you're rich and your spouse is from a lower status, your parents invariably make comments about how luxuriously you're brought up and how your spouse is making you live a mediocre life. If you're more professionally successful than your spouse your parents make indirect remarks about how your husband or wife is no match to your ability. So you should advise your spouse to ignore that and also tell your parents not to interfere in your personal life.

8. Parents interfering in your privacy

Your parents also make yet another mistake they naturally want to visit your home, you're after all the dear child, aren't you. Your parents overstay your hospitality making your spouse feel his or her privacy interval upon by them and during your parents' stay with you their eyes and ears always fight upon what is going on between you and your spouse. So your parents have no need to invade your privacy and disturb your personal life.

Suggestions For Parents

After the children are married, parents need not interfere in their children's married life/personal life and make the following few changes in their attitude towards children.

i.Parents should let their sons free to lead married life without interference.

ii. Parents should be neutral.

iii. Parents should treat their daughter-in-law like their daughter.

iv. Parents should not be prejudiced against their daughter-in-law.

    v. Last but not least your parents should know their limits. 

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