10 Reasons Why I Love You

10 Reasons Why I Love You

10 Reasons Why I Love You
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Pexels

Are you answerable to someone with a question that why you love him or her and what are the reasons and qualities you love him or her? This blog will bring the reason of your heart why you love someone. This will strengthen your relationships with your beloved person.

According to a report survey, no one can explain why he loves and cannot justify his love feelings. You accept everything as your beloved person says to you if he said it is a night you said yes to night, he says the day you said day and you never hurt him. This is the main cause of your love for someone. After reading this blog you will be understood and be able to answer the questing what are the 10 reasons why I love you.

1. You made my life

I love you because you accept me and made my life charming. You made my days and nights beautiful. Your love made me beautiful in my eyes. You made my life colorful. Your relationship tells me how this world is beautiful. Your relationships also realize me how this life is beautiful.

2. You respect my family

I love you because you respect and take care of my family. You play an important role for strengthen the relationship of my family. You also respect my friends and always welcome them with an open heart when they come home. This is all of your efforts that you made my family and build a strong relationship in the family.

3. You take care of me

I love you because you take care of me like a child. I feel that you made me careless because I know there is someone who cares for me and protects me. You do anything for my happiness. You get my opinion on any matter and make me proud. When you are with me I feel myself in safe hands.

4. You support me in bad times

I love you because you support me and encourage me in the bad times of my life. You make me stronger when I feel weak. Today I am all about you because you share and feel my pain. You are worried about my happiness and success. I love you for giving me this new life.

5. You are Beautiful

I love you because you are the world beautiful person in my life. In a 2019 survey, 42 percent of individuals in the United States agreed that they believe in love at first sight.  Your smile is lovely because when you smile I feel like my heart is swimming in the river. When you speak I feel like the birds a singing a song. When you fight with me or are angry there is love in your anger that is the reason why I love u. I love you because I know that your inner is beautiful like your outer beauty.

6. You know my feelings

I love you because you know what I am thinking in every movement. I love you because you know my feelings. When I am sad and depressed you understand me and talk to me and helped me to out of the problems. You advised me and share my problems and sadness. You understand what I need sometimes. In the end, let me say I love you because you understand me and feel my heartbeats.

7. You didn’t change

I love you because you didn’t change yourself with the passage of time. You keep the relationship with me the same as I meet you on the first day, as I love you on the first day, and as I accept you on the first day. The reason why l like you is because you didn’t care about the world and love me a lot. You didn’t change your eyes toward me. You didn’t change your promises. You didn’t change your behavior towards me and your eyes saying the story.

8. You are my future

I love you because you made my past memorable, you are my present and future. You make a future plan with me. You showed me the beautiful dreams of life I can’t imagine my future without you. You are my beautiful dream and I never realize I to live without you.

9. You made me confident

I love you because you made me confident. I know you didn’t leave me in a difficult time. You made me brave. You made me a fighter and a good defender. I love you because you ignore my weakness and made me confident.

10. You accept everything I say

Ten reasons why I love you are because you accept everything I say and you didn’t refuse me. You are respectable to me because of your good habit and love.

                   “I love you my sweetheart please don’t leave me alone in life” 

Read:- 10 Tips to Increase Love between Husband and Wife

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