Sometimes it’s better to be alone

Sometimes it’s better to be alone

Sometimes it’s better to be alone
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Many phases come in the life of humans begin. Some people like and are happy being alone but some didn’t because they are bored when alone. In a 2021 survey, 
approximately 13.5 percent of men and 11.9 percent of women between the ages of 35 and 64 in the United States lived alone.

What is it to be alone? Some people keep themselves alone in a room and they don’t talk or meet others, is it loneliness? no, because sometimes a person sitting in the group doesn’t gossip with friends and feels alone. Being live alone doesn’t mean distancing yourself from people but it means living in a group of society but don’t depend on others for your happiness. Is someone keep himself alone with a mobile phone? Absolutely not, it is not loneliness but you should need to turn off your mobile phone if you want to take some rest. There are lots of advantages to being alone, such as you can remember your old hobbies, cooking in the kitchen, listening to music and enjoy with yourself.

In this blog, you will read the following 10 advantages and disadvantages of sometimes it’s better to be alone and will understand what is good for a healthy life.

Advantages of Being Alone

1. Being alone helps in reconnecting with yourself

The first advantage of being alone is that when you are alone you think and want to know about those things that make you happy in your busy life. Sometimes it’s better to be alone nobody can hurt you because you find and invent who are you and what is your dreams/aims in life. In this regard, sometimes alone helps you to reconnect with yourself and live a relaxed life.

2. Help in making future plans

In this busy world, your mind is continuously thinking about routine matters and you don’t have time to think about yourself and your family. It's better to be alone because you can think about your health, food, income, and relationships with your family and children. Being alone you can make your future plans freely which helps you in taking any decision during practical life.

3. Help in relaxation

Nowadays life is going very fast and everyone is busy in his life and almost every third person of the world is facing tension and depression. So, It is better to be alone because it helps you in relaxing and think just about positive things.

4. Being alone makes you stronger

Better to be alone than in bad company because it makes you stronger. When you live alone you are able to live your life without any other person and you don’t need the permission or company of the person who takes advantage of your weakness. So loneliness makes you stronger because you don’t need any selfish relationship and live your life without any relationship that makes you alone and by this, you are also able to improve your self-esteem. After learning this art you will be confident and feel like you have taken freedom from the selfish people who take advantage of your weakness.

5. Travelling alone

Traveling alone also makes you powerful, because when you travel alone you can know your weakness and strength. Traveling alone also makes you happy and after a long traveling when you come back home you feel more empowered than before.

Disadvantages of Being Alone

Sometimes it’s better to be alone
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

1. The empty mind is the home of the devil

The number one disadvantage of being alone is that when sometimes being alone you think about many things at a time. It is a famous saying that “the empty mind is the home of the devil” so there is a chance that the devil will implant unimportant plans in your mind and insist you for doing the same or depress you. Bad feelings emerge in your mind, which becomes the reason for your sadness and unhappiness. So from this point of view, you need to spend a busy life with your family and participate in social gatherings and enroll yourself in local social committees.

2. Distancing from nature

Nature plays an important role in growing and feelings of human beings. Human beings grow in nature and are comfortable with nature because it helps you in living in society successfully. When you live alone you are distancing yourself from nature. So by living alone, you are distancing yourself from nature, you should need a daily morning walk and communication with the people in the sociality and remain in nature, it protects you from depression and sadness.

3. Distancing from the social relationship

This world is a place of examination something might happen in everyone's life. People who involve themselves in social relationships, communities, and groups of friends are in a better position and more secure to out from the problems but on the other hand people living alone can face many difficulties while tackling this situation. Close family relationships are also very important in human life but when you live alone you ignore close family members.

Read:- 10 Tips to Improve Social Relationships

4. Loneliness makes you sad

Most of the time being alone you think about different things. You think about the dreams which are not fulfilled in your life and you feel sad and unlucky, so by thinking about your failing wishes you will become a patient of depression. So you need to struggle for the future and don’t think about the past.

5. Loneliness makes you depressive

Sometimes continuing live alone and thinking about yourself can become the reason for your depression. According to a survey report, the mental health of elders over the age of 50 is affected and depressive symptoms are also diagnosed in persons who live alone. You need to spend most of your time with your family, children, and friends. If you are free to become a volunteer and provide your services to society by doing this you will be happier than being alone.

“It is better to do something than nothing”

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