10 things a good husband should do

10 things a good husband should do

10 things a good husband should do
Photo by Trung Nguyen on Pexels

In this blog, I will give you 10 things that how to keep your wife happy and 
improve relationships with your wife with small things. If you look after the following small things then your wife could be happy with you and your house will become a peaceful place and you will be benefited from that because you will get mental peace. In 2015 a survey was conducted in the United State of America and the result shows that 21.3 percent of women said that they are happy when they are with their families. According to this survey report, you will become a good husband when you spent quality time with your wife. So read the following 10 things to be a good husband and keep your wife happy and make your life hustle free.

1. Give her respect

The first tip for how to become a good husband is to give respect to your wife. Most the husband disrespect their wives in front of others and they don't realize that they are insulting their wives but don't realize that your wife's insult is your insult because later on people talk about you that, did you see that man how did he insult his wife and all.

For example, you and your wife have been to a wedding ceremony or any occasion and this is a fact that women take time to leave that party and place this is a universal problem of women and you can not control it and for that don't insult your wife try to say politely that darling lets go home it's very late now or I have to go to work tomorrow, etc in front of other people don't shout at your wife or pass any bad comment that you are lazy and all try not to disrespect her, especially in front of others. If you don't like any habit of her or if there is any other problem you can talk to her before going out.

2. Listen to your wife

The second quality of a good husband is to listen to her wife and give attention. Many wives complain about relationships, my husband doesn’t listen and doesn’t give importance to what I say whether it is about kids, about the home, or about finances my husband gets angry and says, I just came back from work and you started complaining about the house and kids.

If you won't listen then who else will? ultimately house is yours and of your wife's and your kids and you are head of the family. You have to solve the problem that's why if you come back from work and your wife wants to say some things kindly listen to her and pay attention. You keep some spare time for your wife when you are ready to listen and pay attention to what she says.

3. Your family is the first priority

After getting married your first priority must be your family. It’s not mean to stop going out with friends or stop partying, you keep your friends and all but set the priorities. Your children, home, and wife must be your first priority than friends.

4. Make a discussion with your wife

Do not keep complaints in your heart and discuss them with your wife, if you do not like some things about your wife talk to her instead of talking to outsiders and complaining about her. It is the responsibility of wives also not to do the same. For solving the problems discussed with each other respectfully for maintaining strong relationships.

5. Don’t share personal problems

Don't share your personal problems with anyone outside and save your marriage. Try to solve it yourself if you have any close friends or family friends, you can discuss with them together that we are facing this problem and how you handle this because you want to solve our problem.

6. Praise your wife

Wives complain about one basic thing and that is he never praises me. I cook good food, he never praises, I look good he never praises, I wear good clothes, and get dressed before my husband comes from work but he doesn’t look at me and takes his mobile and does his things or sits with the kids. That's why I stopped taking care of myself. If you want that your wife looks pretty and beautiful, fresh and happy then praise her.

7. Say, you are looking so beautiful

Saying this to your wife will boost so much energy in your wife, which you can not understand try this tip and your wife will be so much happy with you. there is nothing wrong in it to praise her. whenever you go out with your wife, open the door for her. People will talk bad and say what type of husband is he and let people say, it is your life and she is your wife, keep a happy relationship with your wife.

8. Help her with in-home work

The good husband helps her wife with homework. If your wife is cooking food you just mix it, wash some dishes, cut some tomatoes, help her change the kids' clothes, check the kid's homework, etc whenever she is going to get some groceries to try to go with her, especially if buying kids stuff try to accompany her. It feels so good and kind you spend time together.

9. Be kind to her family

Many husbands disrespect their in-laws please don't do this, the way you like for your family to be respected by your wife the same way similarly she also wants her family to be respected by you. When she is sick, please look after her. Give her special attention, give her medicine.

10. Don't forget special dates

This is a common problem of husbands that they forget the special dates like her birthdays, your wedding anniversaries. Never forget because wife never forgets this, even if she pretends, still she remembers all this. Never do this mistake, just go and ask her where did we meet, what was the date and location? She will tell you everything. So be careful in remembering dates for improving your relationships.

Read:  10 Tips to increase Love between Husband and Wife

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