Qualities Of A Good Friend Essay

Qualities Of A Good Friend Essay

Qualities Of A Good Friend Essay
Photo by William Fortunato 

The importance of friends cannot be denied, there are many friends in everyone's life but how to find a good friend. If you give importance to friends, you know, a good friend is one who is always there for you in all ups and downs in life. In everyone's life, you do experience good and bad friends.

Who is a Fake Friend?

What are the qualities of a good friend, you need to know about a fake friend? The fake friend is that, If he wants something, he will keep staying with you. After that, he will not even show that he has had a connection before. Also, he will take advantage of you and show you the wrong path, if you feel lonely.

In a research, 27 American teens ages 16 to 17 described friendships as “trust, loyalty, support, similarity, mutuality, companionship, and intimacy”. This blog will bring the qualities of a good friend essay, so after reading this blog you understand which one is your true and good friend and also how you will become a good friend.

10 Qualities Of A Good Friend

Qualities Of A Good Friend
Photo by Tim Douglas

1. Trust

In any kind of relationship, the most important part is trust. Because, if your friend is sharing his/her feelings or secrets with you. Whatever he says just patiently listen to him say it and keep that in your mind. Just give him advice, if there is any problem with his thoughts, but never ever make him a laughing stock in front of the public. If you do so, your friend will be hurt a lot. Rather than being a good friend, you will make yourself a fake one, don't ever do this to your friend.

2. Essence of friendship

The next quality of a good friend is the essence of friendship/Soul of friendship. A true friendship starts from caring and sharing with one another. If by mistake your friend did any wrong thing, in that situation, don't leave or give up on your friend. Try to give him a chance to correct his mistakes. Thereby definitely he will change.

3. Compassionate

If your friend/their family is in a sad situation or else is under stress. In that situation, try to console him and help him to overcome the stress, he is going through.

4. Honesty

In 2013 a survey was conducted in the United States of America regarding the qualities of a good friend and a report shows that 81 percent of Americans ages 16 and older stated that a close friend must be honest. So honesty is one of the most important qualities of a good friend. If you are saying a lie to your friend. Afterward, if he comes to know about the lie, it feels very hurting and bad for your friend. Whatever will be the situation, don’t tell lie to your friend. If you maintain honesty, then we can call it a true friendship.

5. Old is Gold

The importance of old friends cannot be denied. For making a friend we don't require a long span, if you have a good connection/ and the person is understanding, you will make him your friend. The most important is don’t ever forget old friends if u get new friends in your life. Also, our old friends need not feel jealous of new friends of your friend. The magical power of friendship will be like making new friends and one day these new friends be your old ones.

6. Give space in friendship

It is important for a good friend to give some space to a friend. He does personal matters and hobbies as well, just give them space to focus on it. Don't be like an attention seeker to your own friends. Don't ever be possessive, no need at all If giving space in your friendship, he can also focus on his personals and hobbies as well. And also thereby your friendship will become stronger.

7. Helpful

A good friend is also helpful, he helps you and supports you whenever you are in trouble, and he provides information and advice on how to solve the problem. A good friend also does your financial help.

8. Available every time

Availability is the easiest quality of a good friend. Because a true friend is that who is available in any difficult situation. He accepts your message as order and fulfills it like a mission within time. He receives your call on the first bell and realizes you are like a brother.

9. He makes you feel protected

Another quality of a good friend is that he makes you feel protected. In your absence he supports you and respects you, he cares about your personal things. So it means when you feel safe with a friend try to understand that he/she is your good friend.

10. He keeps your secrecy secret

A good friend is that who keeps your secret things safe and doesn’t share them with others. He always gives you good advice and his aim is your success and respect in society. He never cheats with you and remains supportive in your absence. If misunderstanding arises in friendships then he never shares your secrets with your enemies.

At last, a good friend is one who always will be with you in all your ups & downs. Therefore for our true friends, we need to give them value, respect, and recognition wherever requires. Also, don't make them laugh stock in front of the public. Then don't give up and don't insult them in front of the public.

“A good friend is a special gift of God”

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