Rights And Duties Of Filipino Citizens

Rights And Duties Of Filipino Citizens

Rights And Duties Of Filipino Citizens
Photo by Reynante Lacbain on pexels

The Philippines is one of the most diverse and interesting country in the world. It has more than 7,000 islands and a unique mix of culture, history, and ancestry. It has one of the longest democratic traditions in the world.

Rights of Filipino citizens

The rights and duties of Filipino citizens are enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, a democratic constitution that enshrines certain rights of the Filipino people. Among these are the right to life, right to vote, right to information, right to privacy, and right to a fair trial.

1. Right to life

Article III, Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provides that “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.” This provision, which was introduced by the 1935 Constitution, is a reflection of the American experience that led to the framing of the American Bill of Rights. It is an acknowledgment of the fact that the lives of human beings are the most basic of all rights and the most precious of all possessions. It is a recognition that each person is entitled to the right to live, to be free from oppression, and to be treated with dignity. At the same time, the provision recognizes that government is a necessary institution to promote the common good, which includes the preservation of life and the protection of every person’s liberty and property. The right to life is sacred. It is the most fundamental of all rights. It is the right from which all other rights stem.

2. Right to vote

In the Philippines, the right to vote is a privilege and a responsibility of every citizen and resident. The voting age for citizens and residents is 18 years old. But before one becomes eligible to vote, one must possess a valid Philippine Identification Card (ID) or a valid Voter's ID. And before one can be issued a valid Philippine Identification Card or Voter's ID, one must first register in the Philippine National Registry of Voters.

3. Right to information

The right to information is the right to obtain information held by public bodies in the format they choose to adopt. This is the right of any person to gain access to documents, records, and other materials created by various public offices of the government. The right to information is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Philippines, which states that "the public shall be informed of the activities of the government, and shall have the right to know the principles and the results of policy and decisions, in order to keep the government accountable." Executive order 229-A signed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on 31 October 2003, mandates all government offices to publish, disseminate and make available for public access their respective annual plans, programs, and projects through the internet, newspapers, and other mass media.

4. Right to privacy

The right to privacy is a human right that protects the individual's personal sphere from the intrusion of both government and non-government entities. The right to privacy is considered to be an essential aspect of modern life and a fundamental human right in many international human rights instruments. Personal privacy may also be known as citizens' right to privacy, the right to be let alone. It is a concept that is primarily associated with civil liberties and human rights.

5. Right to a fair trial

The right to a fair trial is a right guaranteed to all persons under the 1987 Philippine Constitution. The right to a fair trial is a requirement that the state conducts legal proceedings, and other quasi-judicial proceedings such as administrative hearings, in a fair and impartial manner. This requirement applies to the judicial phase, or trial, of a criminal or civil action, as well as to other adjudicatory proceedings, such as the adjudication of a person's civil liability, or the hearing and determination of a person's administrative liability. The right to a fair trial is thus an aspect of the broader concept of a fair trial and is an essential component of due process.

Duties of Filipino citizens

With the above-mentioned rights following are the main duties/responsibilities of citizens in the Philippines.

1. Social Duties

The duties of Filipino citizens are called civic duties. Social duties are man's duties to the community. In social duties are found some of the most important human virtues. They are love, loyalty, patriotism, and many more. Social duties are the obligations of a citizen to the country, a town, and to the family. A citizen should lead a life that is useful and beneficial to the community. He is obliged to contribute his efforts to the common welfare and to work for general prosperity. He should do for his country what he would do for his family. The Filipino citizen must be able to fulfill all his obligations as a member of the community. He must be ready to defend his country from any external aggression, foreign or domestic.

2. Economic Duties

The duties of a Filipino citizen are: to pay taxes, support the government, perform civic duties, obey laws, respect the rights of others, vote, and participate in public affairs. The performance of these duties is the responsibility of each citizen to the state. The payment of taxes is the most important duty of a citizen. Taxes are the means by which the government provides public services and performs public functions. It is essential that public services and functions be adequately financed to ensure that the people's needs are satisfied. Every citizen is required to pay his or her share of the taxes.

3. Political and Civic Duties

The Philippines is a democratic republic and the duly constituted government is vested in the people. All citizens of the Philippines have the right to actively participate in the political process of electing their public officials through the exercise of their right to vote. Every citizen is given a civic duty to participate in the governance of the country. Therefore, as citizens, it is important to know the different political and civic duties that one should perform as a citizen of the Philippines.

Read Also: 5 Pillars of Criminal Justice System in the Philippines

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