How Does Education Contribute To Community Development

How Does Education Contribute To Community Development

How Does Education Contribute To Community Development
Photo by Max Fischer on pexels

8 points on How Does Education Contribute To Community Development

From ancient times religion, culture and art play an important role in the development of community and social relationships. The community developed gradually as human beings are civilized. In the present age, the importance of education for the development of the community cannot be ignored.

This is a fact that a community cannot be developed until the citizens of the community are educated and civilized and this is the responsibility of the country to educate the people. In 2020 the United State Department of Labor was funded with 5.35 Billion Dollars for education-related programs and 2.21 billion dollars by the U.S. Defense Department. This blog will bring the important points regarding how education contributes to community development.

1. Education improve the social relationship in the community

It is a reality that without social relationships no community could be developed and educated people have knowledge that how to maintain good social relationships in the community. In the present age, social media also play a vital part in the development of the community.

2. Brings justice to the community

Justice is one of the most important essences for the development of the community. Education teaches the individuals of the community that all people are equal in the eye of the law and no one is above to law. Education teaches that the rich and poor are equal rights in society. So after knowing the above-said principle, an educated person becomes a judge and plays a vital role in the development of the community.

3. Teach your right & duties

Individuals of the society only perform their part in community development, if they are well aware of their rights and duties. Education gives equal rights to men and women. So education contributes to community development by teaching people about their rights and duties.

4. How to live in the community

Educated people know well how to make good relationships with other people in the community. Educated people participle in the local committees also involve in the social works of the society because uneducated people do not know the rules and principles of the community.

5. Brings self-confidence

No individuals in society can take part in community development projects until they are confident. Educated people make decisions very easily and give their points of view confidently. So education brings confidence in individuals which is very important for community development works.

6. Maintain law and order in the community

Educated people know the consequences of a breach of law and its effect on them. So they compliance the law and did not breach the law. They live peacefully in society and perform their duties efficiently. Education also builds stability in the community. People did not create issues which is a very good sign for the development of the society.

7. Protection from evil

Good and bad individuals live in every community and this is the education that saves you and protects you from the evils in the society. No community could be developed if its citizens do not save and protect themselves from fraudulent people like entering an illegal businesses or signing illegal contracts.

8. Brings good manners and honesty

A community can only be developed where the manners of the individuals are good and they are honest. Education teaches people about good manners and honesty. So it is crystal clear that education contributes to community development.

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