How community influences your behavior

How community influences your behavior

How community influence your behavior
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

To distinguish the various roles of different individuals in society and how they can influence people through their leadership and following truth second is to compare your self-perception and how others see you and also lastly is to conduct a mini survey on Filipino relationships, like relationship with your family, with the people school and of course why does a teenage girl in a season wearing the current fashion trend. Why does a teenage boy strive so hard to be part of the clue guys group. When you follow the rule of curfew because the community influences your behavior, attitudes, and values. So after reading this blog you will know the complete community influence definition and community influence on health in society.

1. Socialization

Socialization occurs throughout everyone's lives but the most important socialization occurs in adolescence when you are in the nursery. So, there are influential people or groups responsible for the socialization of adolescents which consists of family school peers, and media.

2. My community influencers

Community influences are the influence of society that results in a behavior or attitude modification of an individual. It occurs when one person feeling, views or actions are affected by others. So community influences talk about the change in behavior that one person causes in another. So intentionally or unintentionally or in the demonstration as a result of the way they changed. So the change in behavior that one person causes in another.

3. Roles of individuals in the community

A person or individuals play certain social roles as members of a community group. The particular kind of status one assumes determines the roles he or she has to fulfill social roles define a set of behaviors that are expected of someone who holds a particular status.

i. Elected members of the Assembly

Elected members in the legislative office of government make laws or ordinances those in the executive apply laws.

ii. Judges and Lawyers

Individuals in the judiciary interpret laws and they have a great influence on your behavior.

iii. President

The president of the country is the highest political leader in the executive branch, he also asked acts as the commander-in-chief chief of state, and foremost diplomat, he is responsible for the welfare of the whole nation and for all the programs in the executive branch. He is responsible for making sure that all laws are properly and faithfully executed ideally.

iv. Political leaders

The leadership of political parties also influences people to adhere to the laws of the land, their influence also moves people to action.

v. Religious leaders

Religious leaders are performers of rights and ceremonies in their respective religions. They keep religious traditions and serve as moral leaders and teachers and spiritual guides usefully. They have the religious obligation to propagate their health doctrines and to recruit members. Religious leaders are very influential in the lives of their members. Spiritual members habitually follow what their leader tells them to do

vi. Teachers

Teachers are dispensers of knowledge and useful information they act as mentor leaders counsel role models and initiators of change teachers have a great influence on society, especially on students. Students particularly the young ones trust almost the whole thing their teachers tell them. They basically have the role of societal duty to grow to be healthy competent responsible and productive individuals. They have an impact on the lives of fellow children.

vii. Church members

They perfectly pursue spiritual leaders and hold to the knowledge of their faith. They practice their doctrines and teachings. This is important as it may bring about changes not only among themselves but also in the society

viii. Celebrities

Celebrities also influence other people, especially the young generation. They must perform as excellent role models to other communities, particularly to their fans. They should be vigilant about their physical looks, acts, and behavior. Celebrities therefore also have great societal responsibility for they may also influence their followers to engage in bad behaviors.

4. The Filipino values in social relationships

These values consist of ethical practices, etiquette, and community norms that may be unique to Filipino culture. So Pakistan maintains harmony in social relationships.

i. Fear of losing face

This involves being scared to do awful things as it may harm one's status in the vision of other citizens. On the other hand also because of this here some people or some Filipinos cannot say, no even if what is asked by other people is something immoral.

ii. Good public relationships

The second one is this is commonly regarded as good public relations. This is usually practiced to avoid flash with other people or a certain group like community causes example, we belong to a certain group, culture in America. This refers to the innate ability and trait of Filipinos to be careful and entertaining to their guests. Generally speaking, Filipinos are respectable visitors. It comes from the person's tendency to protect his or her dignity and honor, because of pride or a more proper for instance a person may refuse offers even if he or she really wants to accept them.

iii. Respect for elders

Filipinos have unique ways of showing respect to elders, these include the use of PO and oppo and of course the depth of gratitude.

So this involves the concept of reciprocity or returning the received keyboard in your output being connected with people in your life helps you feel like you belong it. Even helps reduce stress boosts your immune system lowers blood pressure and can lengthen your life. In fact, people with strong community support are usually happier and have better mental health.

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