Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Family

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Family

Advantages of Nuclear Family
Photo by Elina Fairytale

Advantages of Nuclear Family

When members of a joint family leave the house of their parents and started living separately is called a nuclear family. Because they feel that they cannot live in a joint family freely and want to live an independent life without any interruption and for the better future of their children. In some families when husband and wife realize that now they are capable and economically strong to defend their family and survey in society, they like to live in a nuclear family. So a couple of joint families leave the home of their parents and flew in the air like a child of a bird. 

There are many advantages of nuclear family like peace in the house without any interruption, independence of the wife, and the power of decision making but with the advantages, there are lots of disadvantages of nuclear family. This blog will describe the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear family.

1. Good for a peaceful life

In a joint family grandfather, grandmother, their sons, and wives along with their children are residing, so usually, a lot of conflicts are created between the family members and their children. But a nuclear family consists of a husband, wife, and children. In a nuclear family, very small numbers of members are residing in a house and there is the possibility that no conflicts or misunderstandings arise among the family members. The members who live in a Nuclear family spend their life peacefully without any conflicts or problems.

2. Good for children

A nuclear family is a good place for the bright future of children because in a joint family the father is busy with his job while the mother has no time for their children due to divided homework. But in a nuclear family, the mother gives enough time to her child which is necessary for the good upbringing of their children. In a nuclear family parents give special importance to their children, they set their children's daily timetable which is good for their health and success. So, the children living in a nuclear family are more healthy and active than joint family.

3. Independence of wife

In a joint family, the women are bound to obey the orders of the elder or head of the family, like not going anywhere without their permission. Even they can’t buy their favorite dress or shoes. But this is the beauty of a nuclear family the wife is independent in charge of the house, and she can do everything she likes. She can cook her favorite dish, she can decorate her house as she wants, she can sleep when she wants, she can give her opinion on any decision because there is no pressure from elders on him like in a joint family, in fact, she lives in a nuclear family independently like a queen of the house.

4. Good for decision making

In a joint family system, all the decisions are taken by the elder or head of the family, and importance is not given to the opinion of the other younger family members, especially to women. But family members living in a nuclear family are independent and is free to make their own decision, like, financial matters, education of their children, the marriage of their children, and like and dislikes of their children. They are free to make relationships in the society with whom they want.

5. Modern trend

Nowadays nuclear family system has become a modern trend in the young generation. According to a survey report percentage of women residing in anuclear families are increased. The first condition for a girl and her parents is that there must be a separate home for her daughter and a boy also wishes to have a separate home because the new couples want to spend time alone, where no one disturbs their privacy.

Disadvantages of Nuclear Family

Advantages of Nuclear Family

1. Less secure in the society

Security is one of the most important things in family life, but this is the first disadvantage of nuclear family that they cannot keep him safe like a joint family. Most people in this world live peacefully but the habits of some people are very bad they interfere in other personal life which insecure families especially nuclear families. The widows and old people who live in a Nuclear family are also facing difficulties due to a lack of support and help from relatives. The children of joint families are more secure than in nuclear families because if the husband and wife both are doing the job in this situation it is difficult for them to look after their children and their children are insecure in the home.

2. Financial problems

The second disadvantage of nuclear family is that in a joint family if one member of the family faces financial hardship, the other member of the family supports him but in a nuclear only husband is leading the family and is responsible for providing all the necessities. If the husband is facing financial facing with financial hardship, there is no one to support him in this difficult time.

3. Feel him alone

The members living in a nuclear family sometimes feel lonely. Especially on occasions and festivals because they cannot celebrate together with grandparents, cousins, and uncles. So they feel him alone. If they are working parents sometimes due to a load of work both the parents are busy and their children feel loneliness in the home.

4. Lack of children's training

Children who live in a joint family are more social and well-trained. They know how to live in society because they interact with grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunties, and cousins daily and learn a lot about society and the importance of family relationships. On the other hand, the children who live in a nuclear family keep him at the home every time and even not play outdoor games and are not social. The children living in the nuclear family do not know how to make friends in school and in society.

5. Tough when resolving conflicts

When two individuals are fighting and there is no one between them, it is difficult to resolve the issue, if a misunderstanding or problems arise between husband and wife, there is an elder in the family to solve relationship problems and conflicts. In a joint family system, the elders of the home give advice to the new couple that how to live life successfully while in a nuclear family the couple learns it from their own point of view, which creates hurdles for them.

Read Also:- 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family

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