10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family

10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family

Advantages of Joint Family
Advantages of Joint Family

10 Advantages of Joint Family

This world is like a forest and everyone tries his best to save himself from wild animals and live peacefully. A joint family system is a platform that provides safety and protection to individuals. The tradition of living in a joint family is very old in Asia.

Large sizes of families of 10 and above members are called joint families, they live together in one house and have one common kitchen. The family member chart shows that individuals of a joint family consist of more than one generation i.e. Grandfather, Mother, parents, sisters, aunties, uncles, and their children. In this blog, you will learn how did the joint family enrich the connection between its member across generations.

A result of the survey shows that 83.7 million families are residing in United State. In a joint family, everyone supports and helps each other,  especially in bad times. Following are the advantages of joint family system which help you in understanding why a joint family is better for your family relationships.

1. Security from Evil

Homes and families on the earth are like forts, which secure human beings from wild animals. Like that joint families live in groups and defend themselves from social evil.

2. Sharing and Supporting

The beauty of a joint family system is sharing and helping each other. Ups and downs come in the life of every person and no one is perfect to fight alone against these challenges. In joint family members of the family support each other and share daily usage things.

3. Decision and responsibility  

While in a joint family, you are free for taking any responsibility alone because all the decisions in the joint family are taken by the eldest member of the family, with the advice of family members, you don’t need to take any responsibility, however, you must stand/accept the decision and defend the family.

4. Safety and Caring of Children

The joint family system is also a safe and secure place for children, If you are busy or a working woman other members of the family will look after the children during your absence. You can participate in social functions without any worry because your children will be in safe hands.

5. Division of work

This is the advantage of joint family system that homework is divided amongst the family members and after doing your work, you can enjoy, relax and you don’t need to take all the work on your shoulders.

6. Financial Benefit

Another advantage of joint family is fewer expenses because house and kitchen expenses are fulfilled collectively in the joint family, which indicates fewer expenses. When families are divided their financial expenses are increased.

7. Double Enjoyment

In a joint family, the happiness of festivals and celebrations is double because every individual in the family enjoys the moments of function together and feels happy.

8. Good for New Couples

A new couple can increase love in relationships while in the joint family system. The joint family system is also a very good and peaceful venue for new couples. They not even enjoy the new life but also start a new life with the prayers, advice, help, and support of family members.  

9. Ready for Future Challenges

A joint family is a learning institution because when an individual lives in a joint family for 10 to 15 years he learned all the ways, rules, and principal that how to lead his own family in the future and fight against the challenges.

10. Good for Social Relations

At present time it is necessary that one individual in the family is required to be free, to participate in social events, marriages, and funerals. This is the advantage of joint family system if one member of the family participates in a function, the host never minds. So this is the advantage of joint family you can maintain good social relationships in society.

5 Disadvantages of Joint Family

Disadvantages of Joint Family
Disadvantages of Joint Family

With the above advantages, there are the following disadvantages of joint family. While live-in a joint family you are not in a position to express your opinion freely and you follow the rules, principles, and customs of ancient times, which creates problems.

1. Invading on Freedom

This is the disadvantage of joint family that you can’t express your opinion freely. Especially if you are a woman, you can’t eat, wear, or purchase what you wish, even if you are confined to one room and there is no comfortable space for you in the home.

2. Interference in Privacy

Privacy is a very important factor, especially for newly married couples but in a joint family, you cannot spend time together. If you have an outdoor plan for dinner, other members of the family also insist to go with you.

3. Raising of Conflicts

In a joint family, the size of the family increased gradually and conflicts and problems are also increasing among the members. Some members of the family do not obey the rules and then conflicts rises. If the income and lifestyle of one member of the family are very high/luxurious, other individuals of the family start jealous of him.

4. Less time for Children

Parents living in a joint family don’t give proper attention to their children, which is a very big disadvantage. Because the parents are very busy fulfilling the task and homework. In this way, they do have not enough time for their children.

5. Decision of Marriage

The biggest disadvantage of joint family is solo decision-making by the head of the family. Marriage in one person's life is a very big movement/decision but in a joint family system, this decision is taken without the consent of the girl and boy which creates complications in relationships in the future. Even in some families, the decision to marry is taken in childhood and they accept this just as a compromise. Childhood marriages are also a bad part of the face of a joint family system.

There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of joint family but for the success of the joint family, you must scarify your wishes and follow the rules and orders of the head of the family for the better future of your family. But, if you are not comfortable in a joint family and conflicts are increased highly, you can mend your way.

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