Negative effects of Political Dynasty in the Philippines

Negative effects of Political Dynasty in the Philippines

Negative effects of Political Dynasty in the Philippines
Photo by Krisia on Pexels

What is political dynasty?

Political dynasty refers to the practice of senior politicians helping their relatives get elected to public office and pass legislation for personal benefit. Studies suggest that political dynasties can have negative effects on governance, as well as economic development and individual liberties. Given the Philippines’ history of political dynasties, it is essential to understand these effects so that this situation can be rectified in the future.

1. Lack of competition

In an interview with Rappler, TV5 anchor and political analyst Tony Velasquez said that Political dynasties are a disadvantage to our democracy because they can be corrupt and they are unaccountable to anyone. If a political dynasty is corrupt, it's hard for the people to trust them. In addition, if a family has been in power for generations, there is less opportunity for new blood to enter politics. There are also other disadvantages of having a political dynasty. For example, people who have never been exposed to politics may not have any idea about what it entails and might find it scary or intimidating at first.

2. Concentration of power

The main disadvantage of political dynasties is that it concentrates power. The family's wealth and influence are passed down from one generation to the next. This can cause problems because each successive leader has less experience than the last. If a person without any experience runs for office, they're likely to be voted into office just because they're related to someone who was successful.

3. Cronyism and corruption

A major disadvantage of the political dynasty is that it promotes cronyism and corruption. Cronyism is when a person uses their close relationship with someone with power for personal gain, often at the expense of others. Corruption is any misuse or abuse of public or government power for private purposes. These two forms were so rampant during Ferdinand Marcos' presidency that his wife Imelda was able to acquire over 1,000 pairs of shoes and build a reputation as an extravagant shopper while many Filipinos lived below the poverty line. Political dynasties can also encourage discrimination against those who are not part of these families.

4. Nepotism

The biggest disadvantage to a political dynasty is that it can lead to nepotism, where family members are favored for jobs or government positions. In turn, this leads to corruption and an unfair advantage for those with connections.

It is also very hard for those who don't have connections to break into politics and be heard or have their voice heard in government. These people often feel marginalized by those at the top and are not able to contribute their talents as they would like. This is a disadvantage because it means that even if they have skills, they won't be able to use them, which can lead to feelings of anger and resentment on both sides.

Lastly, since political dynasties have been around so long, there's not much opportunity for new ideas or viewpoints.

5. Poor representation

The disadvantage of political dynasty is that it creates a system where only one family can govern. This causes poor representation among the people and only one group stands to benefit from this arrangement. Political dynasties are also accused of corruption and abuse, which harms many Filipinos.


The negative effect of political dynasty is that it can only be inherited by one person. This discourages people to work hard and having a good education because they know that their parents are going to take care of them. It also disadvantages political dynasties because they don't have any ways to deal with any issues that might come up.

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