5 Pillars of Criminal Justice System

5 Pillars of Criminal Justice System

5 Pillars of Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system has 5 main pillars. These are law enforcement, prosecution, courts, corrections, and community corrections. Each pillar works independently to maintain order in the country and each plays an important role in the long-term success of our system. According to a survey report, in 2022 Philippines ranked 13th out of 15 countries in the Asia Pacific region in the field of criminal justice. There are exceptions to this structure; however, most jurisdictions follow these five pillars in some shape or form when addressing criminal behavior.

First pillar: Police

The first pillar of the criminal justice system is the police. Its main function is to maintain law and order, investigate crime and apprehend suspects. They are often the first to respond to a criminal incident and are responsible for initiating the criminal justice process. The police also act as a deterrent to potential criminals by patrolling public areas and providing visibility. Their efforts help protect citizens from crime, support victims of crime, and bring criminals to justice.

Second Pillar: Prosecutor

The Prosecutor is the second pillar of criminal justice system and is responsible for representing the state and bringing criminal charges against those accused of breaking the law. They act as both an advisor to the court and the police while ensuring that justice is served to the victim. They serve as the voice of the people, helping ensure the rights of victims are protected and that the accused receive a fair trial. They are expected to protect the rights of citizens, by ensuring that no one is treated unfairly and that any punishment handed down is fair.

Third pillar: Courts

The courts are a fundamental part of the 5 pillars of criminal justice system. They have an essential role in delivering justice by determining guilt or innocence and ensuring the fair and impartial application of laws. The courts ensure that due process rights are observed and that the accused has access to legal representation. Ultimately, the courts ensure that justice is served, both for victims and perpetrators of crime.

Fourth Pillar: Corrections System

The role of the corrections system is to help rehabilitate offenders while maintaining public safety. This includes incarcerating those convicted of serious crimes, monitoring probationers, and providing assistance to help released individuals successfully transition back into society. It also provides programs and services such as counseling, education, and job training to help inmates develop the skills they need to lead productive and crime-free lives.

Fifth Pillar: Community Corrections

The 5th pillar of the criminal justice system is community corrections. Community corrections are a vital part of the criminal justice system. The role of restorative justice is to repair the harm done to victims and the community through dialogue and reparations. This pillar focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through parole, probation, work release programs, halfway houses, and other forms of supervision. The primary goal of community corrections is to reduce recidivism, or the rate of individuals returning to prison after release. By providing offenders with education, employment assistance, and other resources, the community corrections system works to help keep individuals from returning to criminal behavior. All of these pillars work together to promote justice, accountability, and fairness in criminal cases.


These 5 pillars of criminal justice system are essential for upholding the law and ensuring justice. The pillars, law enforcement, the judiciary, corrections, the prosecution, and the defense, all play an important role in ensuring the criminal justice system functions properly. Each pillar serves its own purpose and works together to ensure that criminal justice is served. With all five pillars working in harmony, our criminal justice system can be effective in protecting citizens and enforcing the law.

Read Also: 5 Pillars of Criminal Justice System in the Philippines

Read Also: Rule of Law in the Philippines

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